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Make your eCommerce website mobile-friendly now!

Your customers are always on the go and it’s up to you to make sure they can visit your mobile friendly online store whenever they want, wherever they are trying to access the site from.

The two things that matter most in optimizing an eCommerce website for mobile devices is its usability and loading time. I can create sites that are easy to navigate, in which the content is clear, takes less than three seconds to load, and most importantly, provide a good user experience.

In addition, all the sites I create focus on a simple and clean mobile-friendly design that allows shoppers to quickly and easily find what they are looking for. To find out if your website is mobile-friendly, take Google’s Mobile Friendly Test.

Side Note: If you have a low budget or limited resources, you may want to look into using a user-friendly content management system (CMS) like WordPress.

Cross Browser Compatibility Test

Infinite tests, search engine submissions, before the site goes live!

Even with smart techniques like mobile-first responsive design, testing a site before delivery is critical due to the overwhelming variety of mobile devices that are available to consumers. During the designing and developing process, I will be continuously testing the site on real devices and on iOS simulators and Android emulators using the latest tools available to see what all can be done to improve the site performance across all devices.

Side Note: As you can see from the screenshots in this page, fast loading time gives you a serious competitive advantage. I also submit all your new pages to Google and Bing using XML sitemaps for free.